Thursday 25 December 2008

Colossus Dubplate Volume 3 - 25/12/08

Late Christmas present for you.

Colossus Dubplate Volume 3.

Wash down your turkey with some rinsing jungle.

Anyway first up I need to apologize for being shit. After a promising start I've been getting slower and slower at putting up these things. I'll try being less shit in the new year but no promises. I distract easily.

Anyway, I hope you had a happy eggzmas.

Here's the tracks:

1)Redlight - The Burial
2) Redlight - Bastards
These two tunes are the sort of tunes I set this thing up for. You've probably never heard them and to get them on record would set you back like £50 each and thats if you could even find a copy.

3) Rcola - Nuttin A Go So
You can't fuck with this tune. Precision crafted to fuck up any dance.

4) FFF - Run For Cover
Run for cover soundboys FFF is in the house. Maybe a bit grimey for some but I love this tune.

5) Squarepusher - Ultravisitor
Normally Squarepusher is a antisocial bastard but this tune is simply beautiful. I always think of it as sounding like a bird flying through a city. If you've heard this tune before in the context of a album try listening to it as a stand alone track.

Here is the download link.

Follow the instructions and you can't get too lost.


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